Tuesday, September 30, 2014


Read all of Luke 7 and the Woman who was forgiven much...

As I read Luke 7, about this woman, it was like I could feel the story all around me.  I could picture her bursting in, desperate and looking for Jesus.  I could picture the Pharisee's appalled, judgmental faces as she came into their perfect home.  And mostly, I could picture and feel the way Jesus spoke so tenderly and lovingly to her.  It was like everyone else and every politically correct "social norm" was gone from His mind - all He saw was her.
A humbled daughter of God.
I could imagine her heavy, long-time burden dropping from her heart, and freedom filling her instead.  I could imagine the sense of security and belonging she felt as Jesus stood up for her in front of important people. I could imagine she felt so safe, so willing to lay her life in His hands, for He had taken away her hardness, her humiliation, her regret and guilt, her stigma.  He loved her purely in spite of it all.

And even now, in my own life, I love how Jesus speaks to me and knows me and loves me purely in spite of all my faults.
I love how Jesus knows and loves us specifically as women.
He knows we are different from men - He made us that way and He speaks to us in a way that we can connect and feel Him

He speaks tenderly.  He upholds us.  He knows our strengths, our tendencies, our weaknesses, our neediness, our insecurities, our manipulative ways, our anxieties, our nagging, our common struggles  - He knows IT ALL.  And yet,
He loves us perfectly.
 He never gets tired of us or annoyed by us.  He never thinks, "Ugh, she's soooo needy!  Why is she so moody?!"  I'm so thankful that God loves us perfectly.  We can always always always turn to Him.  We can talk to Him about anything.  He will fill us, strengthen us, make us secure, make us strong, make us able, give us energy, give us forgiveness and freedom, and enable us to hold our head up high.

And, wow, we are so thankful.  We love you, Jesus!

Love & Blessings, 


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Monday, September 29, 2014

How to Be Courageous When Our Kids Make Us Nervous!

This is one of those topics that I don't even know how to exactly start the post...or even how to title it.  So...I'm gonna just dive right in.  The main thoughts I want to portray is what do we do as parents, specifically mothers, when something goes wrong, when something fearful happens, etc...how do we react in front of our children?  Because don't our kids learn more from what we do as opposed to what we say?  

For example, I have taught my son the Bible Verse, "Be strong and Courageous, for God is with you,".  He has memorized it and I have him recite it whenever he is scared at night, or has his feelings hurt, or wants to give up on a task he's working on.  I'm trying to help him learn to apply the Word of God, the TRUTH to his every day, normal life.  And so that's great...I'm telling and teaching him little "lessons".

BUT, what I believe is his real teacher is the observation he has of me when something tough hits me.  What do I do?  How do I respond?  Do I lash out?  Do I panic?  Do I flip-out, freak-out, or act all crazy, therefore creating a lot of insecurity in my children?  Or, do I stay calm?  Do I stop and think?  Do I show him by my body language that things are secure and ok for us, that we'll be just fine?  Do I recite the Word of God and His Truth to that situation?  Do I trust God in that moment of every day, normal life?

So let me be honest with you and tell you why this topic even came up.  This weekend my husband was really sick, so Mommy was in charge more than normal.  We went to my nephew's 6-year old birthday party on Saturday afternoon and at the party my son (4 1/2 years old) was super whiny and pouty when he didn't get his way (could be anything - like not getting the exact piece of cake that had the frosting on exactly where he wanted it.  And gift time was hard because his cousin got a lot of Star Wars gifts and he desperately wanted them... tough lessons every kid learns along the way!).  But with this whiny and pouty-ness, he also started saying things like, "No one likes me!", and "I'm not special!", etc.  By the time we left I was SUPER upset and exhausted, and because my husband was sick and wasn't there to strongly help my son through his emotional roller-coaster, I felt even more exhausted because I felt whatever I was trying to do was not working and that I couldn't control my son and snap him out of his self-absorption.  My heart was burdened BIG TIME because of my son's words.  Especially the "I'm not special" one.  He later told my husband the same thing at bed time and then we were both majorly upset.  I could barely sleep that night.  I think I literally prayed off and on the entire night for my son.  I woke up early before our baby woke up to read the Bible and to pray even more.  For me, when something goes wrong with my family, God keeps me AWAKE and everything else goes on the back-burner...and I pray my head off.  And maybe my son's little "I'm not special" statement seems trite to some people, but you see, my son is adopted and I continually pray for him that he won't give in to any lies about him "not belonging" or any other LIES about being adopted.  So honestly, I felt kinda panicked...hence the not sleeping and praying all night/morning.  

So in the early morning during my quiet time with God, He showed me something.  

He showed me that as our children display insecurities and emotional ups and downs - that I can TRUST God with them and I personally don't need to also become insecure and show extreme emotion.  That yes, I need to pray and talk to my children, but no, I don't need to panic and I certainly don't need to show my children that I'm panicking or feeling upset.  I believe that if I consistently have an emotional response to my son's emotions, it could create major manipulation from him, it could escalate the situation and make him more emotional and nervous, and overall it just would not be a good example of how to take my fears to God.  Wouldn't my stability help to give my son confidence and security?  Isn't the opposite true, as well?  Wouldn't my personal strength in an emotional situation help to de-escalate his fears and teach him how to remain strong and stable through hard times? Again, if I had a  personal anxiety response to these things, wouldn't it teach him the opposite?  In conclusion, God basically taught me to calm down. :)  To be strong and courageous and to not panic in front of my kids.  They're watching and their learning from my example.

I do not, not, not have this all together.  I'm probably most insecure in all the different roles of my life, as a mother... probably because it's what I care most about and I understand the responsibility of the role.

I pray God would help me increasingly to respond to my children with strength and wisdom.  I pray God would increasingly help me to come to Him with my fears, that I wouldn't take them on soooo much.  I pray that God would increasingly help me to trust Him.  I pray that God would increasingly make me a strong woman of God, and therefore a wise and strong example for my children.  

Christian moms, let's do this together!Thanks for reading and letting me share what God is doing in my normal, every day life.  I'd love to hear any responses or advice from other moms or grandmas on this topic!

Love & Blessings,

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Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Joy Day: Quiet Time, A First Field Trip, "Up", and Pumpkin Granola!

After a few very busy weeks, I was feeling super...exhausted (can anyone relate?).  So today, I claimed as my JOY day.  I decided to pretty much do anything and everything that were my favorites to rejuvenate my spirit - I personally find these days to be necessary every once in a while so that I can be more productive on a daily/weekly basis!

Here's what my "Joy Day" looked like:

- Morning (before kids woke up):  Quiet time with God and coffee!  I love alone time...especially with God.  He renews my spirit and fills me to take on the day.  I hate rushing around in the morning, so a quiet, alone, peaceful time with God (and don't forget the coffee!) is a must for me!

- Late Morning - I went on a field trip with my son's preschool class!  This was his very first field trip ever!  I was so excited!  I didn't plan ANY work calls or ANY other obligations the entire day!  It was designated Mommy time - yay!  We even went to a local farm and apple orchard.  The kids learned how bees pollinated the trees, a bloom is created on the tree as a result, and then an apple.  I'm not sure how much a 4-year old can understand that, but they seemed really into it! Ha!  Then, we all picked apples!  They were super crisp and crunchy!  We later went into the apple store (not to be confused with Apple Computer store...that's literally what I thought it was when I first saw the sign.  Ahhhhh...yeah.)  Anyway, I picked up "1 peck" of Honey crisp apples (my fave!), some pumpkin donuts (another fall fave!), and some candy corn taffy for my son! I can't wait to make some apple crisp!

- Afternoon - My baby girl pretty much went straight to her nap, and my son and I played and watch the beginning of the movie, "Up"!  Such an adorable movie!!!  I can barely take this beautiful scene of Carl & Ellie's life and love!  It is so moving!  Life moves so quickly!

- Late Afternoon - I cooked and cleaned.  I seriously loved this  because I felt like I was taking care of my family!  And I definitely don't take enough time to clean!!!  For our dinner I made a super simple chicken meal with sweet and gold potatoes, onion and apples - get the recipe here!  My husband took a bite and said, "Delicious!" :)

But what I'm super pumped about, I also made a pumpkin granola.  And I actually created the recipe!  I am NOT the creative type when it comes to crafts and recipes, so I am pretty impressed with myself, if I can say so! :) I'll post my recipe below - it's really good and my hubby loves it!

- Later Afternoon - Did a work call, and then my baby girl woke up and I fed her and smiled at her!  She is seriously the sweetest thing!

- Evening - Family Time!  Which consists of dinner, finishing "Up", and taking a walk outside! Love!

My cup is filled and overflowing!  Bring on the rest of the week!  God will always supply exactly what we need - whether it be something BIG or something ordinary, like energy and rejuvenation!

What do you do to rejuvenate?  What brings you joy?

Allison's Pumpkin Granola recipe:
Preheat oven to 250 degrees.

- 2 cups old fashioned oats
- 1/2 c peanut butter
- 2 scoops of vanilla whey protein (or use whatever flavor/kind you prefer!)
- 1/3 c honey
- 1/2 c pumpkin
- 2 t vanilla
- 1 t cinnamon, cloves, ginger, and nutmeg
- 1/3 c of dark chocolate chips (I only get the Girardelli brand!  Amazing!)

Mix all of the ingredients (except the chocolate chips) together in a large bowl.  Spread foil over a large sheet tray and spray with  oil (I used coconut oil).  Then spread the mixed granola onto sheet tray and cook for 45 minutes.  I set the timer for every 15 min and took out the granola and stirred/turned it over slightly.  After it was done, I poured into a large bowl and crumbled it up and then added the dark chocolate chips!

I'll add peaches, raspberries, etc or dried fruit to the mix as I feel like!  YUM!  Enjoy and let me know what YOU think if you make it!  :)  Be sure to tag me if you post it on Instagram!

Love & Blessings & JOY, 

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Twitter (allisondavis339)!  
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