Tuesday, September 30, 2014


Read all of Luke 7 and the Woman who was forgiven much...

As I read Luke 7, about this woman, it was like I could feel the story all around me.  I could picture her bursting in, desperate and looking for Jesus.  I could picture the Pharisee's appalled, judgmental faces as she came into their perfect home.  And mostly, I could picture and feel the way Jesus spoke so tenderly and lovingly to her.  It was like everyone else and every politically correct "social norm" was gone from His mind - all He saw was her.
A humbled daughter of God.
I could imagine her heavy, long-time burden dropping from her heart, and freedom filling her instead.  I could imagine the sense of security and belonging she felt as Jesus stood up for her in front of important people. I could imagine she felt so safe, so willing to lay her life in His hands, for He had taken away her hardness, her humiliation, her regret and guilt, her stigma.  He loved her purely in spite of it all.

And even now, in my own life, I love how Jesus speaks to me and knows me and loves me purely in spite of all my faults.
I love how Jesus knows and loves us specifically as women.
He knows we are different from men - He made us that way and He speaks to us in a way that we can connect and feel Him

He speaks tenderly.  He upholds us.  He knows our strengths, our tendencies, our weaknesses, our neediness, our insecurities, our manipulative ways, our anxieties, our nagging, our common struggles  - He knows IT ALL.  And yet,
He loves us perfectly.
 He never gets tired of us or annoyed by us.  He never thinks, "Ugh, she's soooo needy!  Why is she so moody?!"  I'm so thankful that God loves us perfectly.  We can always always always turn to Him.  We can talk to Him about anything.  He will fill us, strengthen us, make us secure, make us strong, make us able, give us energy, give us forgiveness and freedom, and enable us to hold our head up high.

And, wow, we are so thankful.  We love you, Jesus!

Love & Blessings, 


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