Monday, October 6, 2014

A Simple D.A.I.L.Y. Prayer

I'm naming October official "PRAYER MONTH" for my blog!  This past year has been life changing for me, and a major reason is because of prayer and all that praying big and praying with determined hope and belief does inside of a person!  Personally, I don't pray solely for what God can give me (although He loves to give His children great blessings!).  I mostly pray  because He fills me and I love Him.  I want so badly to be close to Him!  Prayer has changed me.

So this month I will be sharing a lot of my personal testimony about prayer, as well as just practical tips on how to pray, prayer routines, etc. Would that be helpful to anyone?  I'm always open to hearing your testimonies and tips too!  We're in this together!

Today I'm sharing with you a great daily prayer that my Pastor taught us.  I keep this on a white index card in my Bible and pray it every morning.  I love it! It's super simple, but gets me immediately focused on JESUS and not just my requests.  I love this little prayer because I feel like it's opening my heart up to Him - and I almost always do my prayer time in the morning so I start my day filled and focused on Jesus.  I can't recommend this enough (praying in the morning), it makes a HUGE difference in my attitude for the remainder of the day! :)

Here is the simple prayer using the DAILY acronym, so it's easy to remember!

Although this is a short and simple prayer list, I really try to focus on the words and not mindlessly recite them.  I want them to mean something, to not just do it like a checklist.

Also, as I pray, I specifically name anything that is directly applicable to each letter.  For example, when I get to the letter I, (the prayer is, "Jesus, I'll try") part, I specifically name something that I feel like God is leading me to try or do.

Or the when I get to the letter Y, (the prayer is "Jesus, I'll trust you,") part, I will list (usually in a journal) specific things that I'm worried or anxious about, or specific decisions I need guidance with. And then I say it over and over throughout the day as those anxious thoughts pop back up in my mind, "Jesus, I'll trust you,".

As you can see in these examples, I always try to get as specific as possible - it helps me to not just "recite" prayer, but instead, to apply it to my here and now situations.  I want to connect my faith and prayer to whatever is going on in my life.  We want our faith to not only be a "church thing", but to become an every-day part of who we are.  Daily prayer and communication with God is a KEY to this...and this simple D.A.I.L.Y. acronym is a great way to start!

 I hope this is helpful!  Feel free to print off or save to your phone so you can pray D.A.I.L.Y. too! :)

Love & Blessings,

PS - Be sure to check back this month for more posts on prayer!  Anything you'd like to read about with this topic, or have questions about, please comment below!  Thanks! :)
Other Posts from October Prayer Month:

How to Pray When You're Nervous, Fearful, or Anxious
How to Pray About a Big Decision


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