Sunday, April 6, 2014

Why I Started This Blog!

Hi!  My name is Allison and I am passionate about building up and encouraging women!
The main issues I will write about are relationships with our man, with each other, fashion/beauty/modesty, and mostly living out our Christian faith in a practical, real way!

I grew up as the second of four daughters and I have also worked with women (only) for the past 7 I have a bit of insight into our gender! :)  Through these experiences I definitely have heard and felt the struggles, the heart, the fears, and the desires of women.  As women, God made us with unique qualities and gifts, but wouldn't you agree that we also share many traits and desires that knit us together as the same?  

Through working with women and hearing so many heart-similarities, I just felt the call of God to share practical advice and tidbits with other females. I see and talk to so many women who attend Bible Studies, churches, Christian conferences...yet still don't feel at peace and don't know WHO they are!  Ladies, let's get practical and let's get determined to follow and obey God, to become more like Jesus - from our clothing, to our attitudes, to our relationships with our man, to the types of movies we watch... just to name just a few!  In other words, let's choose to apply what we learn from God and CHANGE for the better!  

So this blog will basically cover alllllll sorts of topics - anything and everything having to do with being a woman today - but specifically on living our faith out practically, relationships (with each other & the men in our lives), and beauty tips! And by the way, I definitely don't have it all figured out and definitely am not perfect - nope!  I come humbly to share my thoughts and words in hopes to spur us on together to be real Christian women in the real world! 

Main Topics on My Heart:
- Christian Single Girls - relationships and boundaries with boyfriends.
- Friendship and other predominately girl issues! :)
- Married Women - living out what God says in our marriages.

- Fashion!  Cute, but modest clothes and makeup tips!
- Practically living out the Christian faith, no matter the season of life you are currently in!

What would you like to read more about?  Which topic stands out to you?

I also have been married to my hubby, Paul for 7 years (and we've known each other since we were 12 years old!)!  We have one 4-year old little boy, Josiah, who we adopted at birth!  We are currently searching and praying for our next birth mother and precious baby!  

Thanks so much for starting this journey with me!
Allison Davis
My little family! :)

Instagram (allisondavisblog

Twitter (allisondavis339)!  
Google Plus

Would you like to contact Allison and/or have her speak at one of your events?
Contact Allison at:

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