Wednesday, October 22, 2014

For the Lord is GOOD

Do you ever feel like having a pity party?  Like one of those days where everything seems to go wrong and things are just NOT working out how you want them to?

The other day I seriously was giving myself a big pity party and complaining to God about this and about that.  I was like, "Why can't I have the desires and goals of my heart???  WahWahWah!"
Yeah, it was pretty ridiculous...but at the time it didn't feel that way.  I was recounting ALL the things that made me MAD, disappointed, and seemed unfair.

Then, God had me open my Bible to this passage.  I felt Him telling me to list out all that I was thankful for and to list out all that God was to me in my heart and life.  I mean, did I really BELIEVE He was good and that His love endures forever...or am I just reading the words to feel good about myself that I at least read it?

As I made my list in my prayer journal, I realized my ridiculousness in my pity party.  It's embarrassing to even write that I was feeling that way, because right now, I am filled with remembrance of so many ways God has proved His love to me in my life - not just with material blessings, but ways He has given me peace and freedom...and more and more!

Join me in the next time we feel that pity party coming on - let's instead list out - either on paper or even in our minds - the many ways we can thank God and praise Him.  HE fills us and changes our hearts, and for that we are so thankful!

Love & Blessings,

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