Monday, May 12, 2014

How To Take Your First Steps Toward Your Goals

Sometimes when I don't know HOW to get started on the things I've always wanted to do, I try to think, "What just a first step toward ___?".

I also start saying YES to any opportunity that comes my way that speaks to my heart (and no to the ones that don't).  I've found in my life that after the YES and taking the first STEP, God will, from there, open and close doors as needed and lead me to my calling.  Looking back, He has never let me down and never will.

I mean, standing still and just wondering, wishing, and feeling nervous that I'll embarrass myself for's just so frustrating and stifling.  I've learned to stop worrying and to stop praying for months on end for something to drop into my lap.  Instead, I've thankfully learned to TRUST the opportunities that God brings to me.  Honestly, most of things I tried and said "yes" to have led to an eventual closed door, but ALL of them have led me to learning very valuable lessons and developed things in me (specific skills as well as character growth) that I've needed for my next mission.  Nothing is wasted and all is used for growth! 

So in this new year, I encourage you to say YES, with wise discernment, to things that are on your heart and brought into your life!  And take those first steps!  I can't wait to see what God does through your acts of faith!

Love & Blessings, 
Don't give in to fear... just go for it! :)

Happy Is She - Psalm 1 Devotional